Thought Leadership

BroadStreet Partners names Michael O’Connor as CEO

Article excerpt

Ken Kirk to transition into newly created role of Vice Chair to focus on growing network of Core Partners   Columbus, Ohio – December 16, 2022 - - BroadStreet today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Michael O’Connor…

What If You Had a Crystal Ball?

Article excerpt What if someone offered you a crystal ball? Would you take a peek at the valuation you could get for your agency?  Would you look six, or twelve months out given pending tax rate changes? Maybe; but wouldn’t there be…
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BroadStreet Partners Names Ken Kirk Chief Executive Officer

Article excerpt BroadStreet Partners, Inc. announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Ken Kirk as Chief Executive Officer.  Rick Miley, the founder and current CEO of BroadStreet will assume the role of Executive Chairman. Rick Miley said, “Ken has an extensive background…
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Execute Your Own Acquisition Growth Strategy

Article excerpt You’re entrepreneurial.  You have relationships in your local market.    You know other agents who have complementary markets and books of business.  You see the need for succession all around you. You know that you would make a good partner. What’s…
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Caveat Venditor – “Let the Seller Beware” (You’re Right to Be Picky When Choosing a Partner)

Article excerpt  As we begin the new year, our market remains crowded with buyers seeking to capitalize on the wave of independent agency consolidation. There is clearly a growing cadre of new entrants.  There is also a smaller group, which includes BroadStreetâ„ ,…
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The Choices We Make Control the Uncertainty We Face

Article excerpt We have a lot to consider in this election season.  Across the country, we are voting on a number of local, state and national issues.  Naturally, over the last few months, I have had several conversations about what this year’s…
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Success Measured over Decades, not Investment Holding Periods

Article excerpt At BroadStreetâ„  we are focused on long-term value creation for our Core agency partners. It is important to emphasize the distinction, “for our Core agency partners”, because the marketplace is crowded with large-scale consolidators focused on creating short-term value for…
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BroadStreet Partners Remains open to Support Its Partners During the Coronavirus Uncertainty

Article excerpt As risk management professionals, BroadStreet Partners remains open to serve its business partners. Our federal, state and local government leaders have implemented many measures to reduce social interactions to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  Ohio has ordered non-essential business…
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Differentiation (Still) Matters

Article excerpt For the last several years, as the consolidation wave has washed over the insurance brokerage industry, the staggering number of deals and rising valuation multiples have been the headline grabbers. Recently though, we’ve noticed a change in the tenor of…
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BroadStreet Partner Smith Brothers Featured at the Yale School of Management: Business Succession

Article excerpt Our partner in Connecticut, Smith Brothers, was recently featured as the subject of a case study at the Yale School of Management. Joe Smith, CEO of Smith Brothers in Glastonbury, Connecticut has built a reputation as a forward-thinking entrepreneur, and…
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